General Permits

The general permits listed in alphabetical order below cover various types of similar discharges. Each general permit specifies the discharge types that qualify for coverage and explains how to obtain coverage.

Aggregate Mining and Sand Washing

This permit covers aggregate mining and sand washing facilities.

For more information, contact Alessandra Moyer at (510) 622-2116.

Dry Dock General Permit

This permit covers discharges associated with the operation of floating and graving dry docks used for repairing, constructing, and dismantling marine vessels.

For more information, contact Marcos De La Cruz at (510) 622-2365.

Filter Backwash General Permit

This permit covers discharges of filter backwash from drinking water filter facilities.

For more information, contact Debbie Phan at (510) 622-2411.

Fireworks General Permit

This permit covers discharges of residual firework pollutants associated with public fireworks displays.

For more information, contact Marcos De la Cruz at (510) 622-2365.

Groundwater General Permit

This permit covers discharge or reuse of extracted brackish groundwater, reverse osmosis concentrate resulting from treated brackish groundwater, and extracted groundwater from permanent structural dewatering requiring treatment. This permit does not cover discharges requiring treatment for contamination by fuels or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

For more information, contact Marcos De la Cruz at (510) 622-2365.

State Wide General WDRs for Sanitary Sewer Systems

To provide a consistent, statewide regulatory approach to address sanitary sewer overflows, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems, Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003 (Sanitary Sewer Systems WDR) on May 2, 2006. The Sanitary Sewer Systems WDR and its supporting documents can be viewed through the link below:

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board regulates sewer systems within our region, including conducting inspections. We provide our pre-inspection checklist through the link below:

For more information, contact Mike Chee at (510) 622-2333.

VOC and Fuel General Permit

This permit covers discharge and reuse of extracted and treated groundwater resulting from the cleanup of groundwater polluted by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fuels, and metals found at active or closed cleanup sites, such as fuel stations or construction sites

Please use the following template spreadsheet to submit monitoring data required in Start-up Phase and Semi-Annual Self-Monitoring Reports:

For more information, contact John Madigan at (510) 622-2405.